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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Chipped beef cornucopia

Paul M. Cook said...

> Hey cool, I've made shells before. This would be good with the beef.
> I've used hamburger before and it was good. I think I'll make manicotti
> too with this recipe. Not sure what to expect when I open one of these
> cans. Possibly pretty dry, Once I do open a can I am committed to
> eating it.
> So far I'm going to make fried taquitos, maybe some enchiladas and the
> shells.
> Assuming it's even edible.

If you have one of those vacuum sealers you could divvy it up that way!? So
if it is still good you don't get sick of eating it and end up giving the
remaining cans away to become someone else's treasure and so-on down the
