Thread: ZUCCHINI ??
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Amarantha Amarantha is offline
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Posts: 170
Default ZUCCHINI ??

"<RJ>" > wrote in

> I love zucchini !
> Saute some onions and garlic in olive oil,
> toss in a bunch of diced zucchini, and stir-fry.
> ( I added a few eggs one morning and had a great brunch )
> But, our vine has gone into overdrive, and
> we're getting an embarassment of zucchini.
> Besides the usual bread recipes,
> what do YOU do with zucchini ??
> Soups ? Casseroles ? Salads ?
> <rj>

Hmmm, I'm sure I posted something about this a while back. *searches* Ah,
here we are

"Zucchini slice is easy and yummy, great hot or cold (good for lunches),
freezes well etc. Unfortunately I don't have the recipe on me ('tis packed
away somewhere in renovation-land), but I think it's something like:
500g zucchini, grated
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
seasoning to taste
chopped bacon (optional - i've also used chestnuts inna vegetarian version)
grated cheese

Mix all ingredients except cheese, spread in slice tray, sprinkle cheese on
top, bake in mod oven until set inside and golden on top. Or something.

Shall post proper version if I find it, but I usually just use it as a
guide anyway, so you can probably figure something out :P

I've also had it inna cake (like a zucchini version of carrot cake), and
it's good in curries."

You can also put it in soup, or stuff-and-bake it, or make ratatouille. I
do a vegie nacho topping in which it plays a major part.
