What to do with zucchini / courgettes...
Some great ideas here! Also...
zucchini & leek make a nice smooth creamy soup base. You wouldnt think
so, but it works well. Butter beans can extend this further - you then
add whatever else you want to go in your soup. I do this with pumpkin
and other soft flavoured soups. I often put carrot & cauli in there as
well to round out the flavour.
Ratatouille of course - helps use up some toms too.
Pumpkin soup, you might substitute zucchini, carrot, swede & yogurt
until real pumpkins come along. Ditto with pumpkin pie.
Then theres mild spicy cheesy sauce on mixed veg with plenty of z.
Currants and sultanas in th sauce works well.
Aubergine, zucchini, tomato... whats it called? A bit like ratatouille
but rather darker flavour.
You could even grate it raw in salads if you're brave.
You can also eat the flowers either raw in salad or fried in batter