Ratebeer v. Beer Advocate
"Doppelbock" > schreef in bericht
. 102...
> John Frum put down his beer long enough to post:
>> Ratebeer v. Beer Advocate
>> Which do you reckon is better?
>> What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
>> TIA
> Beer Advocate has better forums, articles, etc.
> Ratebeer has better and more complete ratings.
> --
> *** ERROR: OUT OF BEER ***
Ratebeer is more complete on the beers - much more tasted, and the more as
they are non-American. The European lists on Beeradvocate present large
BeerAdvocate has still an edge concerning their beerfly's.
As to authorative - that is up to the (wo)man using it; you have to do the
filtering and the conclusions yourself.