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Leonard Blaisdell Leonard Blaisdell is offline
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Posts: 395
Default Trader Joes has the best cheap wine.....

In article <_Wdpi.12268$U47.6113@trnddc08>,
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote:

> Not a chance. I've had wines in the 50 buck range and they are light years
> beyond anything TJs sells. TJs is just bulk process made table wine. It's
> jug wine in a small bottle. TJ sells Fat Cat Cabernet which at 4.99 a
> bottle is not only afine bargain but it is a very very nice Cab. And it
> could wipe the floor with any of the Charles Shaw stuff. .

My wife drinks a liter of wine a year. I drink lots of beer, but there's
no joy there. When I want to cook with wine, I think two buck Chuck
would be perfect. The only time I cook with wine is when we have some
going stale/sour in the fridge. So there's that going for the cheap
I've never cooked with it. The damned TJ store is seven miles away and
I'm unfamiliar with it. My more local supermarkets can't touch that
price. I won't go that far. What's a poor boy to do?

