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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Madeira Wine ideas

MayQueen > wrote:

> Any other ideas to use the rest of the wine?

What kind of Madeira? You say it is sweet, so it cannot be Sercial.
So, is it Malmsey, Bual, or Verdelho? Or some generic blend made mostly
with Tinta Negra Mole? In any case consider making what Fergus
Henderson calls 'trotter gear', a savoury jelly, aspic actually, made
with pig's trotters. Paraphrasing an article about him: "The secret is
to braise some trotters in madeira, chicken stock and vegetables until
the flesh falls off the bone, after which it will set into a gloopily
meaty jelly as it cools. This jelly is one of the great gastronomic
tools. Meats prone to drying out, such as pigeon and venison, are
invariably improved from being cooked in it, and it is an obligatory
ingredient in coq au vin in the Henderson household."
