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Posts: 383
Default Making mozzarella at home

Bobo Bonobo® wrote:

> On Jul 24, 11:18 am, merryb > wrote:
>>I tried for the first time back in January, and after a few tries, it
>>worked. Someone in this group, nogoer, was extremely helpful and
>>directed me to a website called Leener's, which has the directions I
>>used. If you want to read our thread, it was from Jan.12 of this year,
>>named Making Cheese. Good Luck!

> REAL cheese is cultured by bacteria, NOT curdled by adding citric
> acid.

You're confusing a few issues here, poster formerly referred
to as "Food Snob".

Culturing is done on some aged cheeses to effect texture and flavor.
Many cheeses, even aged ones, are not cultured and it's by no means
a necessary part of the process.

What you call "curdling" is properly called coagulation, and it
is a necessary part of cheesemaking. It's how the solids are
separated from the liquid portion of the milk.

Many cheeses are coagulated with enzyme (usually rennet), but
certainly not all. Some perfectly wonderful cheeses are coagulated
by the acid method.

In any case, whether it's an enzyme coagulated cheese or acid coagulated
it can still be cultured as well. One does not exclude the other. They
have nothing to do with each other, actually.
