Thread: OT Applebees
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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default OT Applebees

"Pete C." > wrote in message
> None of the big chains generally qualify as five star, but they are
> usually consistently decent. A result of that corporate homogenization
> where all the brands in the chain end up pretty much identical except
> for their decor. Cracker Barrel and Outback are pretty typical in that
> you can usually count on being able to stop at one pretty much anywhere
> and get a reasonable meal that at least beats the fast food places.
> Pete C.

I don't disagree with you, and that "consistent sameness" is one of the
reasons the chains do so well. I have, however, become much more
adventurous in the past few years. I go out of my way to try local places.
I've found more winners than losers and sometimes you find a real gem.