Thread: OT Applebees
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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default OT Applebees

"Shawn Hirn" > wrote
> Applebee's is a favorite for my parents and my sister and brother-in-law
> when we go out to eat, although its not in my list of favorites.

Same here! When I get to choose I nearly always want local "mom and
pop" places, or good down-to-earth local restaurants with good food
and decent prices. Or, places in Raleigh, NC like 42nd Street Oyster
Bar--which is a nice, cavernous, airy restaurant with a full, lovely bar
and decent entertainment perfect for while you wait for your table.

> food I have been served at Applebee's has always been okay, not great,
> but edible and a reasonable price.
> I like their Weight Watcher's menu items because I can get a decent
> dinner without taking on a lot of unnecessary fat and calories and the
> food's not bad.

If I have to go there again (and don't get me wrong, I always appreciate
when someone takes me to lunch, regardless of where) I want to try the
tilapia on the Weight Watcher's menu.

The other thing that looked good (but a little too heavy for me that day)
was a dish called "Crispy Chicken Bowl" or something similar. It had
fried white meat filets on rice with various vegetables. Looked good!