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G Zangvil G Zangvil is offline
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Posts: 2
Default Very easy Indian or Middle Eastern vegetarian cookbook


Constraints inspire creativity, and I hope that's the case here. Can
you help me recommend a cookbook?

I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and have decided to try to
nudge him into cooking, gradually.

He has some strengths, and some constraints:
* He is ovo-lacto vegetarian, likes vegetables and fruit, cheese,
bread, and has a Middle Eastern and Indian palate. And pizza,
falafel, hummous, quesadilas, tortilla chips, peanut butter. (Not
whole beans, pasta, rice, tofu or East Asian flavors.)
* has a microwave, toaster oven, and knives. (Stove/oven, food
processors are a bit scary now. An immersion blender might be okay.)
* no nutritional concerns: he's healthy and currently he just eats
refined starch. Anything will be an improvement.
* He lives in a part of LA with inexpensive produce and fresh herbs.
* His cooking experience consists primarily of slight creativity with
bagel pizzas. He's never boiled water or steamed broccoli.
* He prefers not to be reminded of meat.

Unfortunately, I don't live near him right now. Otherwise, I would
just try lots of things and see what sticks.

Just so he doesn't sound like a complete imbecile, I'll add that he
has a PhD and writing credits on the Cartoon Network, and seemingly
infinite patience. :-)

These are large constraints, but I'm trying to work with him on this.
Salads and mezze are clearly the way to go. Are any of the 3-5
ingredient cookbooks good? Are any vegetarian? Do any lean towards
middle eastern or Indian flavors?

Thanks for any help you can give,

(On usenet since 1993, but new to r.f.c)