Anybody have Joy of Cooking?
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Yesterday, Lin and I managed to pick a whole lot of blackberries while out
> picnicking. Her favorite recipe for blackberry cobbler is the one in _Joy of
> Cooking_, but that's a book I don't have.
> Does anybody here have that recipe?
> Bob
I have just spent 15 minutes looking through my '72 Joy cookbook and
can't find any reference to cobblers at all. Blackberry added no
information, either.
A 60's Fanny Farmer cookbook says:
2 cups fruit or berries
few grains salt
sugar to taste
1 egg well beaten or 1 Tbsp. quick tapioca or flour
Spread in baking dish, dot with butter.
Spread over the top:
cottage pudding or shortcake batter
(I looked at those reacipes and they are bsaically a yellow cake
batter and a standard shortcake dough.)
gloria p