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Kate Connally Kate Connally is offline
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Posts: 1,550
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

Doctroid wrote:

> In article >,
> Adam Funk > wrote:
>>The microwave my parents had when I was a kid had something like a
>>numeric keypad on it,

> When *I* was a kid, the only microwave ovens around were the radar
> dishes my Dad worked on at GE. Uphill. Both ways.

When *I* was a kid microwave oven did not exist. I got
my first one when I was in my 30s - I was waiting till the
price was under $200 - up till then they were too expensive
for me. My first oven, which I bought in the early 80's,
and which I had until about 2 years ago, had only a dial.
(Analog microwave. ;-)) The dial went up to 15 minutes.

It finally died and I got a new one for about $60.
It has a keypad and many functions. I thought they all had
number keypads these days. I've never seen one that has
what the OP describes. So, OP, it looks like you didn't do
your homework and just bought the wrong mw oven. Go out and
buy the right one! Sheesh!


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?