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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default 1824 Dinasour Rump steaks..... (pics)

In article >,
PeterLucas > wrote:

> > Then why did you call it dinosaur? :-)

> Ahhhhhh, grasshopper.......... you don't remember a post I put on here
> back in April when I explained what 'Dinasour steaks' were? (And ok,
> ok..... it's dinosaur!!)
> Tsk, tsk..... you'll have to pay better attention in the future!! ;-P
> But it all harkens back to years ago and a mate of mine who hailed from
> Rhodesia.
> We used to go to BBQ's at his place all the time and he would put on
> 'Dinosuar steaks'. Whole rumps cut into 1&1/2-2" thick slices. He
> expected us to eat one each!!!

Oh, so steaks meant to be EATEN by dinosaurs. :-)
Now I get it!

> >
> > Ime, the only critters on the planet that are damned near dino's are
> > the ratites.

> Think crocodile/alligator.

No, actually those are pretty advanced even for being an older species.
They are the only reptile with a 4 chambered heart (birds and other
reptiles only have a 3 chambered heart) and a fully developed palate.
Other reptiles don't have one of those either.

Ratites date WAY back. Take a look at a skeletons. Concentrate on the
flightless birds:

Looks like dinos to me. <G>

> --
> Peter Lucas

Peace, Om

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