In article . com>,
sf > wrote:
> On Jul 24, 9:58 am, Andy <q> wrote:
> > To fit a large pot roast or other large meat in the p-c, I figure to slice
> > it
> > in half. Questions are, do I just stack them one on the other? Should they
> > sit above the liquid on a trivet?
> >
> > My virgin p-c doesn't have a 2/3 "full" line so how should I figure it, by
> > quart capacity or height?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Andy
> Well, Om knows better than I do... but I say just stuff that baby it
> there. Stand it on end if you have to - heck, it's going to
> shrink.... so why not? How big is it anyway - in terms of inches vs.
> the inches of your P-C? My opinion is to do it, but don't overfill
> with water.
No babe. You cannot overfill a pc with food either!
Mom learned that the hard way. Last time she lost a pressure valve and
ended up having to clean the stove hood was cooking a beef tongue. It
curled up during cooking and ended up blocking the pressure stem.
3/4 full of any items. Food or liquid. Lay Lengua on it's side. ;-)
I made the mistake with beans. It was a helluva mess. <G>
Funny too. I was extolling the benefits of PC's to Lynda and offering to
purchase one for her as a gift when the valve blew.
She saw the worse that could happen and accepted the fact that it was my
fault, AND helped me clean up the kitchen. We had to clean out the
entire hood and move the stove out of it's cubby to clean the wall
behind it and the floor under it. I try to make an effort to aim the
safety valve towards the back wall in case that ever happened.
She accepted the cooker I bought her that afternoon and loves it as much
as I do. ;-)
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson