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[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 67
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

On 25 Jul, 10:32, Adam Funk > wrote:

> But first, I agree with the point that microwave ovens are generally
> for reheating rather than cooking as such --- with the exception of
> rice, for which the microwave is a legitimately easy cooking method.

That doesnt add up to me, nukes are foor cooking as much as reheating.
And rice I wouldn't do in a nuke.

I think the main problem with them is that they are different and most
people dont seem to have figured out how to make good results with
them yet. A strange age of ignorance.

The litle cookbooks that come with them dont seem to really get the
message across. They only explain some things, and dont honestly point
out the plusses and minuses, and hence what dishes are best done in
what machine. They have at least gone part way in this respect, but
show me even one such booklet that shows how to reheat pastry
successfully in a nuke.

> Also, why does the stupid thing have to beep EVERY TIME I press a
> button? I want it to beep ONCE ONLY --- to get my attention when it's
> finished.

The keypad buttons are fairly unreliable, so it needs to let you know
when its registered a keypress. Just a way of hiding a cheapass design