Banana slicer: essential tool or stupid idea?
You know those apple coring/slicing tools they have? You know, the
kind you push down over the apple, and it cuts the thing into nice,
even wedges? I use one when the Prince of Wales is coming over to
eat, and I want to impress him with the uniformity of the wedges.
Mostly I just use a knife, though.
Well, the other day in my grocery store I saw something similar, for
bananas: It's got the general outline of a banana, with little blades
going across. Clearly meant to be used like the apple device.
Seems to me this is a great invention--for the person too damn lazy to
take a few seconds to cut some slices for his cereal with a butter
knife. (I'm also wondering whether the slices stick together at the
bottom, like with the apple tool, and whether the slices turn to mush
when you try to pull them apart.)
Anyone think this is a great invention?
Or... can anyone think of a more useless kitchen tool?
- Selveate