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Snickers Snickers is offline
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Default Pantry: Lost & Found

I just read of a refrigerator that will come out sometime in the future. It
will be equipped with a UPC-like scanning device. It supposedly keeps up
with what you take out of the fridge and what you return. If you don't
return an item, it will add it to a printable grocery list. Someone needs
to figure out a way to adapt this to a pantry. I even wondered if one of
the grocery store hand held inventory devices would work on my pantry!! I
would love to have a device in my pantry and refrig that I could phone from
the store and ask if I already have it or if I need it. Just dreaming, I
"Hope everyone is happy in your head - we're all doin' pretty good in mine."

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Nancy Young said...
>> "sf" > wrote
>>> On Jul 24, 3:22 pm, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>> Ever hunt through the pantry and not see an item you need? Then you go
>>>> shopping for it and get home and go to put it in the pantry when
>>>> surprise of
>>>> surprises, there's the identical item sitting there?
>>>> Don't ya just hate that?

>>> I seem to develop blindness whenever I seriously *need* to find
>>> something or other. Once the drama is over, *voila*... there it is
>>> right where it was supposed to be. Who moved it and why????

>> You're right. Hysterical blindness. Happens to me, too. I don't
>> know what is up with that, how could I not see it sitting right there!
>> Works also when I order from Penzeys. Either I don't notice that
>> I'm completely out of (something I use all the time) and have to place
>> a second order within days of ordering, or I order something that I
>> already have 3 bags of sitting there.
>> Since I just ordered from them last night, I expect to find out what
>> I forgot, any minute now.
>> nancy

> I've had an opposite affliction also. I'll be at the market and pass the
> spice aisle and eye the flour and think, do I have flour? I forget. Do I
> need A/P? Unbleached maybe? Well, it's only a buck so why not. Then I get
> home and put it in the pantry, WITH FOUR OF ITS "FRIENDS."
> I swear, I wish I had a Pantry cam to an iPhone so I could watch my
> stupidity re-align at a glance, in real-time!
> Andy