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Stan Horwitz[_2_] Stan Horwitz[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 180
Default Whole Foods and Trader Joes

In article .com>,
" > wrote:

> I just returned from visiting my brother-in-law in Napa, CA, and was
> amazed that Whole Foods is building a store right next to Trader Joes
> in Napa. Customers are probably rejoicing, but would a store want to
> locate right next door to their "rival" where people can easily
> comparison shop? Maybe Whole Foods has intentions on buying Trader
> Joes. Would Whole Foods have deeper pockets than Trader Joes, and win
> in a price war?

Trader Joe's carries many items that you'll never see at a Whole Foods
store, but they do compete on some types of items such as cheeses. Also,
Whole Foods carries many items that you won't see at Trader Joe's, such
as fresh meats and seafood.

Be that as it may, I can think of two neighborhoods close to where I
live where there are competing supermarkets within walking distance of
one another.