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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Chuckle of the Day (7-26-7)

hahabogus wrote:
> I believe what Johnny Carson said years ago...There is only 1 fruit cake
> in the world and it gets re-gifted many times a year.

It's a shame. I heard cracks about fruit cake for a long time and never
understood them, and then I had a slice of the commercial variety. I was
raised on home made fruit cakes. My mother used to make at least a dozen of
them every fall and sock them away to age for a few months, frequently
doused. I loved the stuff. She stopped making it a few years ago and I
really missed it. There is no commercial variety that holds a candle to it.
I never hate enough of it to bother making it myself, so I guess I will
probably never have another great piece of Christmas cake.