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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Whole Foods and Trader Joes

Dee wrote on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 00:35:26 -0400:

DD> "pavane" > wrote in message
DD> ...
??>> > wrote in message
??>>> I just returned from visiting my brother-in-law in Napa,
??>>> CA, and was amazed that Whole Foods is building a store
??>>> right next to Trader Joes in Napa. Customers are probably
??>>> rejoicing, but would a store want to locate right next
??>>> door to their "rival" where people can easily comparison
??>>> shop?
??>> In perceived high-quality stores people do not "comparison
??>> shop," they tend to impulse buy. Comparison shopping is
??>> for Safeway's and Albertsons elsewhere.
??>> pavane
DD> I'm a "people." I comparison shop. I do shop at

Where I live there is a TJs and a Whole Foods fairly close in
the town of Rockville but not next door to each other. I have
used both long enough to know in advance which store I will use
for many items.

These are some current opinions but the local branches are not
strictly comparable especially on fresh produce where WF has a
much greater range. Often it is worthwhile paying high WF prices
for the quality of vegetables but I buy most of mine at regular
supermarkets. I like TFs custom of selling bananas by unit
instead of weight :-) but most other fruits and vegetables are
prepackaged, which I dislike. The local TJs has a much better
range of frozen fish and vegetables but has very little fresh
fish (and that is prepackaged and probably defrosted), whereas
WF is pretty good (better than regular local supermarkets except
for the expensive small Balduccis chain). TJs range of coffee is
good enough that I never consider buying it anywhere else unless
I am in a hurry. Both TJ and WF have quite good bread but, IMHO,
the local Giant supermarket is just as good.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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