Microwave oven rant. Rice.
Tom Kraemer > wrote in
> Partially as a result of this childhood trauma, I have relegated my
> microwave oven to the pile of stuff I probably should sell or just
> throw away. Any foodstuffs that have the recommended heating method
> of 'microwave' is probably full of fat and sodium. You might as well
> just fry up a pound of bacon. In a frying pan, goddammit.
> Join me!! Toss your microwave in the trash, and use a toaster oven or
> a real toaster or a real oven!!
I had a toaster oven that I loved but it died. I got a cheap toaster
to take it's place that burns the living crap out of everything I
put in it. So now I just put rocks in the hot sun and wait for them to
heat up before toasting my bread on the rocks.
Microwaves are for SUCKERS!!!
I like your revolution and would like to join but mine microwave is
installed into the framework of the upper cabinets above the oven
and trashing it would result in a gaping hole. Have no fear though,
I only use it for heating & thawing items as actual cooking in it makes
the food taste like shit.