Banana slicer: essential tool or stupid idea?
James Silverton wrote:
However, I read this thread
> before breakfast and took the opportunity to try using only one hand to
> slice a banana for eating with my cereal. I could not think how to peel
> the banana easily but slicing it was quite easy.
Let's think. The banana is removed from the bowl and placed on the
cutting board. A paring knife is taken from the drawer and used to cut
the tip of the banana, not all the way through. The tip of the peel is
then scored vertically. Maybe stand the banana up in a drinking glass
in order to do this? Then the peel could be removed with one hand and
the banana laid flat again for the slicing. I have 2 working hands
(though I'm not particularly coordinated with either, and the left is
especially unpracticed) so this is a fun challenge to think about.