Microwave oven rant. Rice.
"Tom Kraemer" > wrote
> Partially as a result of this childhood trauma, I have relegated my
> microwave oven to the pile of stuff I probably should sell or just
> throw away. Any foodstuffs that have the recommended heating method
> of 'microwave' is probably full of fat and sodium. You might as well
> just fry up a pound of bacon. In a frying pan, goddammit.
> Join me!! Toss your microwave in the trash, and use a toaster oven or
> a real toaster or a real oven!! Microwaves are for SUCKERS!!!
Once, while drunk, I tried to poach an egg in a microwave.
It exploded. I now know how to coat a microwave's insides
with egg matter. McGiver ain't got nothin' on me. I did
eventually figure out how to poach an egg in a microwave,
but it's far simpler to boil water on a stove.
I use it for heating water to make instant coffee, and for
cooking Healthy Choice frozen dinners. And the occaisonal
Hormel Chili. As such, it is an "eco-friendly" mechanism
for heating certain products. For actual cooking of real
food, microwaves are fairly useless. Nuking pastry type
stuff for 10-20 seconds to reheat it is useful, but it is
real easy to nuke it too long making it SOGGY.
Rubbery and soggy are microwave trademarks. Bread abhores
a microwave, but not cooked pasta, which is soggy pretty
much by definition. Hot Pockets actually figured out how
to crisp in a microwave, but I can't afford to eat those
grease bombs anymore health-wise.
Good toaster ovens rock, but for toast I use a toaster.
Right tool for the job and all that.