Microwave oven rant. Rice.
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Posted to,alt.religion.kibology,
Adam Funk[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 227
Microwave oven rant. Rice.
On 2007-07-25,
>> But first, I agree with the point that microwave ovens are generally
>> for reheating rather than cooking as such --- with the exception of
>> rice, for which the microwave is a legitimately easy cooking method.
> That doesnt add up to me, nukes are foor cooking as much as reheating.
> And rice I wouldn't do in a nuke.
I recommend trying it: one volume of rice and two volumes of water
(that varies a little with different brands and types of rice;
sometimes you need to add a little more). Zap until done, stirring
occasionally. If you make about the same amount of rice each time,
you learn how long to time it.
Much easier than stirring constantly to keep rice from sticking to a
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Adam Funk[_2_]
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