Bad Paprika ??
On Jul 26, 10:27 am, "<RJ>" > wrote:
> I thought that bitter paprika was a scary legend
> promulgated by Pennzeys....
> I made a giant batch of my favorite goulashsuppe.
> Can o' beer, diced tomatoes, browned diced beef
> shredded cabbage, a few diced potatoes,
> and lots of paprika. ( from a new store-brand container )
> Simmered all afternoon in the crock-pot, smelled good !
> Ladled a big bowl at suppertime, and....BITTER !!
> Not "bad" bitter, but almost "scorched bitter".....
> ???
> How do you test paprika beforehand ?
> Must I go to Pennzeys.... hat-in-hand ?
Paprika burns very easily, I've found. Perhaps, adding it toward the
end of the cooking process would help,