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Becca Becca is offline
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Default PING: Nancy Young: Political transit

Andy wrote:

> You complained about Al Gore visiting your neighborhood? Don't be coming down
> to Philly today as Prezzy George Bush arrives in the next 30 minutes or so.
> They'll shut down the entire stretch of I-95 from the airport into center
> city in both directions!!!
> Why don't the brains in D.C. rent him a helicopter!?? It's been done before.
> Another fine example of our tax dollars at work.
> I can bitch when I want. I'm a Pennsylvanian.
> Andy

They also do this for George Bush's father, who is no longer the
president. Secret Service barricades all of the side streets, so you
can not get through.

I went to pay my final house payment (woo-hoo) in Houston. Bush's dad
lives a few blocks behind my mortgage lender, near the Galleria area of
Houston. I had to wait until George Bush was gone and they removed the
barricades. What an ordeal.
