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David DeLaney David DeLaney is offline
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Posts: 124
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

Otto Bahn > wrote:
>Once, while drunk, I tried to poach an egg in a microwave.
>It exploded. I now know how to coat a microwave's insides
>with egg matter. McGiver ain't got nothin' on me. I did
>eventually figure out how to poach an egg in a microwave,
>but it's far simpler to boil water on a stove.

There is youtube video out there of how to generate a glowing plasma using
onlty a microwave, a lit match, and an inverted shot glass. (It will end up
fracturing, then exploding, the shot glass.)

Dave "now if only MacGuyver could figure out a situation in which this was
USEFUL, and call it marcaroni" DeLaney
\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
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