Microwave oven rant. Rice.
In alt.religion.kibology Elmo P. Shagnasty > wrote:
> In article >,
> Tom Kraemer > wrote:
>> Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Now you're just making stuff up, or, as
>> Doctroid has pointed out, pulling stuff out of your ass. I never
>> criticized microwave ovens, I criticized my parents' use of one, and I
>> also criticized foodstuffs that recommended microwaving as the
>> preferred 'cooking' method. Do please go back and read the post,
>> dumbass.
> I did.
HAW HAW. The trick is to COMPREHEND what you READ, even if you have
to read it out loud, or ask for help from a grown-up.
> You were plain in your words.
I certainly was, but you still want to just make stuff up. A healthy
imagination can be a good thing, but it can be taken too far.
> If you used the wrong words, that's your problem.
If you have some sort of dyslexic-type disorder that allows you to
read things that aren't written, that's your problem. Maybe there's a
support group for that, but I think the last place you would find it
is on the usenet.
"Oh Crap! It's a miracle!" - Bender, _Futurama_