Other uses for Red Chili Peppers?
<Koko> wrote in message ...
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:25:44 GMT, "Dave" > wrote:
> Do you have any good enchilada sauce recipes? Chilequilles (sp?) is a
> wonderful dish using past their prime tortillas in an enchilada sauce.
> Also some caldos (soups) call for chiles.
> Now, don't discount the idea of soap. Who knows, you might invent a
> soap that exfoliates the skin while providing a youthful glow, and the
> heat from the chiles may increase the metabolism to burn off excess
> fat.
> Ahem... I want my 10% o.k.
> Koko
Thanks Koko! Enchilada sauce sounds like just the ticket. Feel free to post
a favorite recipe if you have one.