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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default Refrigerator space

Omelet > wrote in newsmp_omelet-

> It was fun to haul home and get it inside. ;-) I bribed some neighbor
> guys to do it with money and beer. I ended up doubling what I'd
> originally offered them as they worked so hard!
> 2 cases (48) beers and $40.00 each.

Beer is a cheap as chips over there so you got a good deal :-)

>> For that price you could have bought a brand new *humungous* fridge!!

> Nope. Even a used Hobart this size goes for nearly 3K around here.
> They are worth it. They hold a very stable temp and food lasts twice

> long in there as it does in the kitchen frige, and I can monitor it

> the outside built in temp gauge.
> This is a commercial frige and I have to call a commercial service to
> repair and maintain it. It's worth every darned dime...

If it was a freebie, it's worth it. But as soon as the repairs build up
to the cost of a new one, I'd ditch it the next time it needs repairs.

Peter Lucas

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