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Posted to,alt.religion.kibology,
Terri Terri is offline
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Posts: 11
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

"Elmo P. Shagnasty" > wrote in

> In article >,
> Terri > wrote:
>> Microwaves, eco-friendly ovens, useless for cooking food

> yeah, what the hell good is a screwdriver. I mean, you can't drill
> holes with it.

Your planetary customs are quaint and curious. On Urth we use
a drill for drilling holes.
> You people

*My people* were gathering hot rocks to cook escargots with garlic while
yours were still grooming each other's pelts and pointing at the sun.

have no concept of "the right tool for the job".
Hey I'm not the one who hasn't figured out how babies get here!
> because something isn't the right tool for EVERY job doesn't mean it's
> just plain useless overall.

I really don't think someone who never finished reading " What's Happening
To My Body" has any business giving advice on the proper use of tools.
However, in the name of edification you may find this a bit less
intimidating than the above mentioned works:,50176,12.html