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Default Battered fish tacos need not be covered in grease

On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:55:03 -0700, Ablang >
magnanimously proffered:

>Battered fish tacos need not be covered in grease
>By JIM ROMANOFF - The Associated Press
>Fish tacos are extremely popular in coastal areas of Mexico, and it's
>no wonder.
>The local catch of the day is battered, deep fried and served wrapped
>in corn tortillas along with a variety of salsas, chopped vegetables
>and crema, a rich Mexican version of sour cream.

Sounds worth going to Mexico to try.

What follows is an excerpt from a story from my website about a
surfing trip down to Costa Rica in the early-70's.

We weren't served "fish tacos" as such ... and none of it was
battered. But we were served fish and chicken stir fried in the wok
described in the story. No "crema" or any other dairy products, but
some basic salsas and the small tortillas that are normal in Costa
Rica. It was delicious:

From Banditos Part II

We camped out at several places and stayed in a beachfront "hotel" on
Playa Tamarindo that consisted of an old, solidly built two-story
building fashioned from rough hewn hard wood. The huge square
supporting posts and beams had been sandblasted over the years so the
hotel looked like it had been there forever.

The ground floor consisted of an open room sunk in below the level of
the beach to keep it out of the wind and sand. That’s where the
owner’s cook prepared our meals and where we ate on a table with
benches that looked as old as the hotel itself.

We slept above the ground floor in a large room that was open on three
sides. Except for a few small tables and some old armchairs, the room
was otherwise empty and we slept in two of the twenty or so hammocks
positioned to take advantage of the cool breezes off the sea. There
was no electricity, so we read by candlelight or an old Coleman
lantern and woke at sunrise to be greeted by the day’s surf out in
front of the hotel.

The cook was a part-Chinese, part-Afro Costa Rican from the "other
side" - or Caribbean coast. The man was a miracle worker.

All his meals were prepared in a heavy old wok around three feet in
diameter and made of thick smoke-blackened iron. While the rice and
beans we had with every meal cooked on nearby gas rings, the wok sat
on a platform of stones above a charcoal fire. And almost without
seeming to move, our chef would skillfully move the meat or eggs, or
vegetables up or down the sides of the wok to control how they cooked.
Lastly, the small tortillas that are normal in Costa Rica would be
thrown in around the sides so that everything was ready at the same

The menu was as simple as it was delicious. Rice, beans, tortillas and
eggs for breakfast. Rice, beans, tortillas and fish for lunch. Rice,
beans, tortillas and fish, chicken or beef for dinner - with veges and
other seafood delicacies, like lobster and shellfish thrown in when

I wish I’d learned what he put in those beans to make them what I
looked forward to most. They were the best I’ve ever eaten. And since
we bought fresh fruit and coconuts from local sellers and I kept us
supplied with fresh alfalfa sprouts, we had a nicely balanced diet.

Good thing, too. Because we surfed and surfed and surfed on empty
waves that made up for their 3-6 foot size by being perfectly shaped.


una cerveza mas por favor ...

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