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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default PING: Nancy Young: Political transit

"Andy" <q> wrote

> Stan Horwitz said...
>> There aren't that many places in Center City where a helicopter can
>> land. The only places I can think of that would be safe are the hospital
>> heliports at Hahnaman, Jefferson, and HUP. That being said, I worked
>> today (in Philly) and if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known
>> our Disaster in Chief was in town.

> I was thinking Penn's Landing but the President flies with two attack
> helicopters in the lead. I don't think they could all land at Penn's
> Landing
> at the same time.

Well, the attack helicopters wouldn't have to land. Doesn't Philadelphia
have any heliports? Of course there are, on top of some buildings.
At any rate, I don't really expect them to helicopter into the city, but
at least give it a shot not to close highways when everyone is trying to
get to work. Timing.
