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Posted to,alt.religion.kibology,
Doctroid Doctroid is offline
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Posts: 25
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

In article >,
"Elmo P. Shagnasty" > wrote:

> The one where you said microwaves aren't for cooking, and that you
> wouldn't use one under any circumstances?

Oh, you mean the one where TomK said he wouldn't use a microwave oven
under any circumstances, following which you talked ******** about the
way he uses them? That'd be the one.

> Yeah.
> You're a ****ing idiot.

What's a "****ing idiot", Elmo? Would that be someone who's an idiot on
the subject of ****ing? For instance, someone who goes around saying
*** people don't reproduce?

P.S. Hey, Elmo, do you know anything about cows?

- Doctroid Doctroid Holmes
It's too confused to make sense, so let's make nonsense.
-- Chris McG.