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Posted to,alt.religion.kibology,
Doctroid Doctroid is offline
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Posts: 25
Default Microwave oven rant. Rice.

In article >,
"Elmo P. Shagnasty" > wrote:

> In article >,
> Adam Funk > wrote:
> > Much easier than stirring constantly to keep rice from sticking to a
> > saucepan.

> You don't even need to stir it.

You don't need to stir rice in a saucepan on a stovetop, either. Or
rather, you stir it once -- when you add it to the boiling water. Slap
the lid on and leave it until it's done. Ridiculously easy. Of course
I am assuming you're using good quality rice (hint: not M*n*t* R*c*) and
the correct rice:water proportions.

> Those who refuse to try rice in a microwave are idiots.

Idiots are people who refuse to stop using a perfectly satisfactory
method in favor of a different one? I see.

Here I was thinking idiots are people who make things up and then post
them to Usenet as facts.

- Doctroid Doctroid Holmes
It's too confused to make sense, so let's make nonsense.
-- Chris McG.