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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Leisurely Cooking

In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
> >
> >> And why is it that, when you take a week off, you come back to 3
> >> weeks' worth of catch-up???
> >>
> >> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

> >
> > That's because you don't know how to delegate. :-)

> Not everyone has the "authority" (or staff) to delegate to someone else.
> And not everyone has a supervisor/manager who will delegate tasks to others
> on their staff because they know they'll get shoddy work as a result. So
> they delegate to one or two people and are willing to wait until they return
> from vacation to see that the job is done right.

I only delegate tasks that have to be kept up with. I still have two
weeks worth of reviewing and signing to do, but it's not too bad.
Proper training of "delegees" prevents shoddy work.

I only delegate to volunteers too, and they know that they, in turn, can
delegate stuff to _me_ when they take time off. What goes around comes
around and it pays to gather favors. :-)

The fact that half of the staff are section supervisors helps.

> I used to do a lot of cooking on weekends so I'd have leftovers to take for
> lunch and to heat up for dinner during the week. I know exactly what Terry
> is talking about now, being able to cook (or not) at my leisure
> Jill

Ditto here. ;-) I only do complex recipes on weekends or during time off.
Peace, Om

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