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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Breadman Ultimate TR2500 BC question - "Extras" didn't happen

Dan_Musicant > wrote in

> On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 20:33:10 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:
>an_Musicant > wrote in
>:> What did I do wrong? Why didn't the seeds get dumped into the dough?
>:> I also wonder when Extras are dumped into the dough. I figure it
>:> must be just before the 10 second shaping phase, but no mention is
>:> made in the manual. Thanks for any help.
>:> Dan
>:> Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net
>:Why are you asking here? Your TR2500BC has a manufacturer and they
>:most likely have e-mail tech support. Perhaps you didn't push the
>:right buttons or perhaps it's broken...either way the manufacturer is
>:the one who can assist you. Yes you can purchase stuff that doesn't
>:work when you get it home.
> Yes, of course, it COULD be faulty, but I figured it highly likely
> that I just didn't understand how it's supposed to work (i.e. user
> error). THAT is why I'm asking here. Yes they have email support but
> I've read literally triple figures of posts prior to buying this
> machine and am aware that their email support can be woeful (i.e. 3
> weeks comes to mind). I knew I could get a quicker response posting
> here. I may email or call them today, however, as a very careful
> reading of the manual and no solution in this thread has me thinking
> that a malfunction could be happening.
> Now, if I knew when that trap door is supposed to spring open I could
> throw in the seeds (or whatever) at the appropriate moment in the
> cycle. Does anyone know when that happens? I saw a post that suggested
> it was at the beginning of the second knead cycle. Seemed unlikely,
> but I guess it might be possible.
> I'm not certain that Salton will honor their warranty with me because
> I bought the machine (new and in the unopened box) from an ebay
> seller, not a retailer. Just don't know. I registered the machine at
> their website, but it seems iffy. Anyway, Salton is notoriously
> undependable for warranty service, so I hate to go that route if I can
> find a reasonable workaround.
> Dan
> Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net

Best be talking to them soonest...That way you can prove failure possibly
brfore warrentee runs out.


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