Rare steak
In article om>,
Bobo Bonobo(R) > wrote:
> > I understand what you are saying, but that post was about RAW meat
> > (Tartar), not _rare_ meat. :-)
> >
> > I ate those two rib eyes blood rare in the middle last week and almost
> > blackened on the outside. I marinated them lightly in some soy sauce and
> > heated up peanut oil to the smoke point in the skillet.
> It's been over a year since I've had a pan seared steak. Since we
> moved into the new apartment with the covered balcony, I can wood/
> charcoal grill almost any day of the year.
I have a good wood grill, but I don't always want that smoky flavor.
Depends on my mood.
Pan searing is not the same flavor as wood grilling.
> >
> > Gods they were good!
> >
> > But, sometimes I am just in the mood to eat raw beef, then top round is
> > perfect for that dipped in a whipped mix of raw egg yolk and low sodium
> > soy sauce. I keep it simple.
> I always buy low sodium soy sauce. A better flavor/saltiness ratio.
Agreed! Ever tried Braggs liquid aminos?
It's an unfermented soy sauce and has a very special flavor.
> Now, it's off to a Greek restaurant for lunch. My wife and I are both
> off today, and our son is in summer camp until 3pm.
Cool. :-)
I have a new grape vine started. The mustang grape leaves that I've got
millions of are not suitable for Dolmas. I started an edible grape in a
hyooge pot. If it does well...
I like Dolmas.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson