Removing glue from wine bottle labels
A-men, brother. Now that I have hundreds of bottles, sorted and cleaned
- the hard ones - tossed! smile.
Ray Calvert wrote:
> I think my meathod works best. I now have hundreds of bottles so I just
> toss the ones with bad glue. After you have washed hundreds of bottles you
> learn which are worth salvaging. Just look down the road to when you have a
> nice inventory of both full and empties and life is so much better!
> Ray
> "Jack" > wrote in message
> ...
>> There has been considerable discussion on this topic, and I've tried a
>> number of different approaches. Most were mediocre at best.
>> Butyrate dope thinner works remarkably well. After scraping the labels
>> off (I use a dull hunting knife after soaking), a bit of the thinner on
>> a paper towel removes most of the remaining stuff in one pass!
>> A quart would do dozens if not hundreds of bottles. Available at
>> aviation maintenance shops that work on fabric covered aircraft.