* Matthew L. Martin wrote, On 27/07/07 04:30 PM:
> Adam Funk wrote:
>> On 2007-07-26, anTonOMasia wrote:
>>> Two words: "rice cooker"
>>> And an earl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_cooker
>>> Use the right tool for the job.
>> I've heard that rice cookers are very good, but I've already got a
>> microwave and I don't have room in the kitchen for any more equipment.
> Since I got a counter top steamer I have not made rice in anything else.
> We use the steamer for rice and a veg at least three times a week. Now
> that corn season is upon us it will be either rice or corn and a veg six
> or seven times a week.
Please to be posting model info., for I shall shortlist one
for when the rice cooker goes TU. Thx.
anTon O'Masia [ antonomasia <at> gmail <dot> com ]