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Nancy Young
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Default How hungry can I be?

Sheryl wrote:
> Nancy Young > wrote in message

> > The reason I say my sandwich was a Jewish sloppy joe 'type' of
> > thing is it had corned beef and I didn't really notice what other
> > type of cold cut, plus only 2 slices of bread. Very much in the
> > mode of the sloppy joe, though.

> Never heard of that being called a sloppy joe. that, to me, is just a
> triple decker.
> could be anything: turkey and roast beef. pastrami and corned beef.
> chopped liver and corned beef. salami and....whatever. you get the
> idea. cole slaw and russian dressing are not optional. they make these
> at the stage deli, among other delis in nyc.

I can tell you distinctly the first time I ever heard of Jewish sloppy
joes. I had a Jewish co-worker who wanted to go get takeout
sandwiches from a kosher deli in Vaux Hall, NJ, somewhat of a ride
from Summit, where we worked. I mean, for takeout. Fine, what on
earth is a Jewish sloppy joe? Never had heard of that, so you can
imagine I was thinking ... ground beef in tomato whatever?

At any rate, I have no idea why they are called Jewish sloppy joes,
but around here, they are. Don't forget, the rye bread must be
thin! (smile) So when I saw sloppy joe on the sandwich menu, that's
what I wanted. I was trying to get an assortment of sandwiches for
everyone, but half of that baby was mine all mine.

> the sandwich you described sounds wonderful. the name is what confused
> me.
> that's all.

I didn't mean to be cryptic. Not at all.

This same girl, she knew her way around food, I was not from the area.
She also introduced me to Italian hotdogs. I gather they were
invented in that area surrounding or in Newark, NJ. Two hotdogs,
sauteed peppers and potatoes, geez I'm really forgetting something,
all on one nice bun. Yum. Mee.
