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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Foods evolution; was The "Joy of Cooking" again

LeoS wrote:
> I'm not a beginner either, but I find Joy of Cooking a great source
> for ideas AND recipes. Off the top of my head, I can think of three
> Joy recipes that have become staples in our home: Classic Meatloaf,

I taught my mother how to make great meatloaf; I have NO idea where she got
the recipe but I know she never owned JOC.

> Southeast Asian Dipping Sauce (I put it on sauted chicken to make
> Peanut Butter Chicken), and Roasted Fish Fillets Spenser (with
> seasoned bread crumbs, great for catfish). Are they "perfect as is"?
> That's a matter of taste; I fool around with most recipes.

Heh... I lived in SE Asia so "dipping sauce" is sort of a strange concept.
They don't "dip".

> I have a lot of cookbooks, but I mostly use only two of them -- three,
> if you count my three-ring binder that's stuffed with recipes from
> r.f.c., Epicurious, and other Internet sources. My other favorite
> cookbook is "America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook." I haven't found
> a bad recipe in there yet. Their Chicken Picacata, for example, is out
> of this world.

I'll admit to making chicken picatta but frankly, it should be made with
veal cutlets. I also make a wonderful sole (that would be the fish)
picatta. And all of this has *nothing* to do with the JOC cookbook and
basic cooking skills. All this to say, sorry, don't see it as the "cooking
bible". But then again, I'm not all that into biblical stuff.
