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Dan_Musicant Dan_Musicant is offline
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Posts: 31
Default Breadman Ultimate TR2500 BC question - "Extras" didn't happen

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 13:58:38 -0700, Abe > wrote:

:Sorry, I don't have an answer for you. I was thinking of getting the
:same machine, but I'm holding off now until I hear that this is
:cleared up for you. Please post back here if you find the solution.
:BTW, Salton does have an 800 number you can call for customer service.

It so happens I did call that 800 number yesterday, navigated the
automatic answering system (relatively quick - I guess I pressed the
right buttons) and had a live person pretty soon. She told me she has
the same machine and she has found the Extras function an iffy
proposition, so when she wants extras she just tosses them in with the
flour (i.e. the beginning). Otherwise, she's very high on the machine.
She affirmed that the Extras are supposed to dump at the beginning of
the 2nd knead cycle, so I could toss them in then if I continue to have
trouble with the function. It's no biggie and I'm not going to ask them
for a replacement machine just for that. I'd have to package the machine
(original packaging was a crumbly mess by the time the machine got to me
parcel post), pay for shipping, wait, and have crossed fingers that the
replacement would be OK. Not going to happen unless the machine is
otherwise defective.

Other than the Extras problem, the machine seems fine and I'm truly
ecstatic that I've finally gotten this machine. I'd wondered if I
shouldn't have gotten the Zojirushi instead ($182 shipped from Abe's of
Maine, Abe!), but I've read a post or two that turned me off on the Zo.
I have a feeling I'm going to grow to love this machine very


Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net