"Cheesesteak" Sandwich-type Steak?
MareCat wrote:
>> You really should! They make flat rolls out of their pizza dough,
>> then bake it, slice it, and stuff it with meat, onions, peppers,
>> and white cheese, which we* all think is provolone. If I still
>> lived back there, I'd ask. As it is, we get one whenever someone
>> in the family goes back to visit, usually every couple of years.
>> We've also bought just the rolls and made our own sandwiches,
>> which is almost as good. For me, the roll makes the difference.
> Ooooo...their rolls sound yummy! I'm definitely going to try 'em the next
> time we go up there!
> Mary
I think the roll is what makes or breaks a sandwich. Around here there
are 2 great Italian bakeries that make rolls and hoagie buns and a
Jewish bakery that makes great Kaiser rolls. All are available in paper
bags which keeps the texture.