Bourdain's comments on Next FN Star
" > wrote in
>> > > > Every old lady knows the difference in potatoes. He doesn't.-
>> > > > Hide quoted text -
>> > > I'm a bit skeptical of this story. But help me out: What type
>> > > of potatoes (which you say TB could not identify) are in this
>> > > pic?
>> > Why are you skeptical of this story? You could read his books for
>> > yourself. You don't even have to buy them, you could borrow them
>> > from your local public library for free.
>> If "every old lady" knows her potatoes so well, it's funny that you
>> *can't* identify the ones in the photo.
> The box in the photo and Bourdain's comment is the name of the
> distributor. Maybe you should do your homework before responding to
> posts you know nothing about.
Maybe you should learn some higher level thinking concepts. Your
hypothosis in the post, which I left that bit in the quotes, indicates you
believe everyone should know their potatoes, and Tony is a buffon because
he didn't id them. So the question to you was, what type of potatoes are
they? You then totally ignored that challenge and tried to deflect the
attention from yourself back on to Bourdain.
So again, what type of potato are they oh great wise sage of potatoes.