On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 13:10:38 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>Those sample ladies, what does Tammy call them?
The Demo Dollies. I think that's so cute.
>They pretend to be so nice, so earnest in their belief in the
>greatness of their product, but don't buy it. They are there to
>kill you.
>Last time I took a sample from some sweet lady, it was a
>cracker with dip on it ... I almost choked trying to swallow it
>without water. Dryyyy.
>Today, I was trapped into it again, Kirkland all natural peanut
>butter on a piece of rye. Very tasty. Uh, you don't have any of
>those little milk samples to wash it down, do you? Gack.
updated 7/27
"There is no love more sincere than the love of food"
George Bernard Shaw