fast food nation is an excellent portrayal of what the U.S.A. is
Low overall population densities may be necessary for a sustainable
quality of life, current drought conditions notwithstanding.
If the drought in the western U. S. keeps up for 2 more years expect a
reverse 1930s style dust bowl to send 40 million people back east
demanding services.
Let me know how much fun you have getting the rich in Atlanta to pay
for the services.
Bret Cahill
> australian contributions to civilization:
> 10. restrictions on oriental emigrants <has that been changed?>
> 9. partial disappearance of native bushmen <by their own autonomous
> free wills?>
> 8. can't take-out being over run by a few zillion rabbits <and no
> natural predators?>
> 7. terrific final settting for that 1950s doomsday movie with tony
> perkins? <waltzing matilda music>
> 6. what's that childhood toy-thing that one throws, and it sorta sails
> back in the air? <no quantas mascot or kangaroo cliche here>
> 5. that actor that threw the telephone at snotty hotel...<the only
> rational thing i like>
> 4. roger bannister's 3 minute + mile <before your time, it
> subsequently took me 5 minutes 20 seconds>
> 3. the wimpy burge.....uh, no, that's popeye's fried chicken in usa
> etal
> 2. they probably drive on the wrong side of vthe street <like the
> looneytoons in canada>
> 1. their dollar is worth less too
> 0.'s such a beautiful inebrriated ugly american
> originally