Microwave oven rant. Rice.
* Matthew L. Martin wrote, On 28/07/07 12:25 PM:
> anTonOMasia wrote:
>> * Matthew L. Martin wrote, On 28/07/07 09:33 AM:
>>> anTonOMasia wrote:
>>>> Please to be posting model info., for I shall shortlist one for when
>>>> the rice cooker goes TU. Thx.
>>> <http://www.acitydiscount.com/Counter-Top-Convection-Steamer-Market-Forge-ET-6E.0.47103.1.1.htm?PPCID=9&link=2700569>
>> That's one helluva rice cooker!
>> If I buy *two*, I'll save $10,574.06, which should almost pay for next
>> years' rice.
> Oops! I "cut" and "pasted" with my "mouse" the wrong "link". Try this:
> <http://www99.epinions.com/content_282256576132>
> Be warned, it does a *terrible* job frying chicken.
So does my microwave.
anTon O'Masia [ antonomasia <at> gmail <dot> com ]