Blinky wrote on 28 Jul 2007 20:43:21 GMT:
BtS> notbob wrote:
??>> On 2007-07-28, Kent > wrote:
??>>> Dee Dee, JOC is about fundamentals....
??>> At least the earlier versions where. MY '67 issue is more
??>> about howto bake root vegetables or howto steam vegetables
??>> than individual recipes. Sure, there are recipes, but not
??>> till after the general subject has been covered in depth.
??>> This is excellent, as it provides a basis to expand upon
??>> rather than just a few narrow dishes.
??>>> not "gourmet". If you want to make
??>>> pancakes or piecrust that's
??>>> where you go. As well for basic preparation of all other
??>>> foods,
??>> Yep.
??>> I'm not familiar with the later versions, which I hear are
??>> more recipe specific, but I'll always keep my older JoC
??>> around. No better resource for when you need that one
??>> little bit of info on temps or times or whatever that you
??>> may have forgotten or that simply escaped your repertoire.
BtS> FWIW, Wiki has a brief rundown of the editions:
The Joy of Cooking is a real standby. My wife used it as did her
mother and if you need to find out how to make or do something,
like Cocktail Sauce (or cooking squirrels in earlier editions
:-), it's a great starting point.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: