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Gregory Morrow[_33_] Gregory Morrow[_33_] is offline
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Posts: 163
Default Costco death squad

Goomba38 wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >>> Yup, retiree of my acquaintance always goes to Sam's Club on Saturday
> >>> just to nosh on the free samples. He figures it's one meal he won't

> >>> to pay for or cook. I'm retired too but would rather cook my own.
> >>> George
> >>>
> >> I just can't see "working that hard" to get a free "meal"? Fighting the
> >> crowds, the parking, etc?? Not my cup of tea, y'know?

> >
> >
> > And I really don't dig the whole "hygiene" aspect of it, either...too

> > strange fingers, etc. handling the food.

> Yes and no. When I've sampled at Sam's Club, the samples are very neatly
> portioned and served out by the Demo Dolly, so no one but he/she touches
> them. But at regular grocery stores that put samples out... ugh! Dips!?
> Cheese cubes and fruit that people pick over or can touch or sneeze on?!
> I skeeve that stuff. <shiver!>

Yep, at my regular store they often just put samples out to paw over, I
cringe when I see people sampling the stuff. More than once I've seen
people take a half - bite out of something and then put it back...

I have a general aversion to salad bars, buffets, bulk goods with
open/accessible bins, bar snacks, olive bars, etc., soooo...

I have trouble enough *myself* managing to stay half - way hygienic/clean in
this urban life, I'm not taking on any added extra "burdens", lol...


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